Latin Name: Eucalyptus Globulus
Biological Definition: Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the fresh leaves of the Eucaluptus, Eucalyptus globulus and other species of Eucalyptus, Myrtaceae.&nbs..
Latin Name: Lavandula
angustifoliaBiological Definition: Blended
mixture of lavender oils (Lavandula angustifolia L.), and other Lavandula spp.
natural fractions and NI components. The ester content is maintained at 40-42% by
Latin Name: Citrus sinensisBiological Definition: Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Peel Oil Expressed is an essential oil expressed from the fresh epicarps of the Sweet Orange Citrus, aurantium L. var. dulcis L. (syn: Citrus sinensis),&nbs..
Latin Name: Mentha arvensis
Biological Definition: Mentha Arvensis Herb Oil is an essential oil
obtained from the herbs of the Corn Mint, Mentha arvensis L., LabiataePlant Part: HerbProcessing Method: DistilledAppear..
Latin Name: Rosa damascenaBiological Definition: Rosa Damascena Flower Extract is an extract obtained from the flowers of the Damask Rose, Rosa damascena, RosaceaePlant Part: ConcreteProcessing Method: SolventAppearance: Viscous, dark ..
Latin Name: Capsicum frutescensBiological Definition: Capsicum Frutescens Resin is a resinous material obtained from the Cayenne Pepper, Capsicum frutescens L., Solanaceae.Capsaicin content: 6.2% - 6.8%Plant Part: FruitProcessing ..