Essential Oils

Latin Name: Mentha arvensis
Biological Definition: Mentha Arvensis Herb Oil is an essential oil
obtained from the herbs of the Corn Mint, Mentha arvensis L., LabiataePlant Part: HerbProcessing Method: DistilledAppear..
Latin Name: Mentha
arvensis*Essential Oils are sold for external use only..
Latin Name: Mentha PiperitaBiological Definition: The volatile oil obtained by the steam distillation of the aerial parts of Mentha piperita L., usually followed by the purely physical processes of dementholation&nb..
Latin Name: Citrus aurantiumBiological Definition: The volatile oil obtained by steam
distillation of the branches, twigs and leaves of an acclimatised variety
of the Bitter Orange Tree Citrus aurantium L. subsp. aurantium..
Latin Name: Pinus sylvestrisBiological Definition: Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Oil is the volatile oil
obtained from the needles of the Scotch Pine, Pinus sylvestris L., Pinaceae.Plant Part: NeedlesProcessing Method: DistilledAppe..
Latin Name: Ravensara aromaticaBiological Definition: Ravensara Aromatica Leaf Oil is the volatile oil distilled from the leaves of Ravensara aromatica, Lauraceae.Plant Part: LeafProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: C..
Latin Name: Pelargonium graveolensBiological Definition: Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens (L.), Geraniaceae.Plant Part: FlowerProcessing M..
Latin Name: Rosa damascenaBiological Definition: Rosa Damascena Flower Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the Damask Rose, Rosa damascena, Rosaceae.Plant Part: FlowerProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance:&..
Latin Name: Rosmarinus officinalisBiological Definition: Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil is the essential oil obtained from the flowering tops and leaves of the Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L., LamiaceaePlant Part: Flowers an..
Latin Name: Rosmarinus officinalisBiological Definition: Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil is the essential oil obtained from the flowering tops and leaves of the Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L., LamiaceaePlant Part: HerbProcessing M..
Latin Name: Salvia officinalisBiological Definition: The volatile oil steam distilled from the leaves of Salvia officinalis L.Plant Part: LeafProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: Colourless to pale yellow liquidOdour:..
Latin Name: Salvia officinalisBiological Definition: Salvia Officinalis Oil is the essential oil derived from the herbal plant the Sage, Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae.Plant Part: LeafProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: ..
Latin Name: Santalum spicatumBiological Definition: Santalum Spicata Wood Oil is an essential oil obtained from the wood of the Australian Sandalwood, Santalum spicata, Santalaceae.Plant Part: WoodProcessing Method: Distilled..
Latin Name: Mentha spicataBiological Definition: Mentha Spicata Oil is an essential oil obtained from the herbs of the Spearmint, Mentha spicata L., Labiatae (syn: Mentha viridis L., Labiatae).Plant Part: LeavesProcessing Method: Disti..
Latin Name: Picea abiesBiological Definition: Picea Abies Leaf Oil is the volatile oil expressed from the needles of the Norway Spruce, Picea abies (L.), PinaceaePlant Part: Needles, TwigsProcessing Method: DistilledAppearanc..
Latin Name: Tagetes minutaBiological Definition: Tagetes Minuta Flower Oil is the essential oil obtained from the flowers of the Tagetes, Tagetes minuta L., Compositae.Plant Part: FlowersProcessing Method: DistilledAppearanc..
Latin Name: Citrus reticulataBiological Definition: Citrus Reticulata Peel Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the peel of tangerine, Citrus reticulata, RutaceaePlant Part: PeelProcessing Method: ExpressedAppearance: &..
Latin Name: Citrus reticulataBiological Definition: Essential oil extracted by cold expression from the outer part of fresh tangerine peel Citrus reticulata, RutaceaePlant Part: PeelProcessing Method: ExpressedAppearance: &nb..
Latin Name: Melaleuca alternifoliaBiological Definition: Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil is the oil distilled from the leaves of the Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, Myrtaceae.Plant Part: Leaf, TwigsProcessing Method: Distil..
Latin Name: Melaleuca alternifolia
Biological Definition: Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil
is the oil distilled from the leaves of the Tea Tree, Melaleuca
alternifolia, Myrtaceae.
Plant Part: Leaf
Processing Method: ..
Latin Name: Thymus vulgarisBiological Definition: Thymus Vulgaris Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the leaves of Thymus vulgaris, Lamiaceae.Plant Part: HerbProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: Clear liquid, colou..
Latin Name: Thymus vulgarisBiological Definition: Thymus Vulgaris Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the leaves of Thymus vulgaris, Lamiaceae. (ct Linalool)Plant Part: HerbProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: ..
Latin Name: TurpentineBiological Definition: Turpentine oil. Any of the volatile predominately terpenic fractions or distillates resulting from the solvent extraction of, gum collection from,or pulping of softwoods. Turpentine is a mix..
Latin Name: Vetiveria zizanoidesBiological Definition: Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Oil is an essential oil distilled from the dried roots of the Vetivert, Vetiveria zizanoides, Poaceae.Plant Part: RootsProcessing Method: Distil..
Latin Name: Gaultheria procumbensBiological Definition: Mixed natural and synthetic fragrance
composition to replicate the odour profile of Wintergreen, Gaultheria
procumbens L., Ericaceae.Plant Part: LeafProcessing Method: ..
Latin Name: Artemisia vulgarisBiological Definition: Artemisia Vulgaris Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the whole herb, Common Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris L., CompositaePlant Part: HerbProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance:..
Latin Name: Achillea millefoliumBiological Definition: Achillea Millefolium Oil is the essential oil obtained from the flowering herb of the Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, L., AsteraceaePlant Part: HerbProcessing Method:..