Essential Oils

Latin Name: Citrus Clementina Peel
Biological Definition: Essential oil extracted by cold
expression from the outer part of fresh clementine peel Citrus
clementina, Rutaceae
Plant Part: Peel
Processing Method: Expressed
Latin Name: Eugenia caryophyllus
Biological Definition: Eugenia Caryolophyllus Bud Oil is an essential oil steam-distilled from the dried flower buds of the Clove, Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia caryophyllus, Myrtaceae. It contains eugenol (82-..
Latin Name: Eugenia caryophyllus
Biological Definition: Eugenia Carophyllus Leaf Oil is an essential oil steam-distilled from the leaves of the Clove, Eugenia caryophyllus, Myrtaceaae.
Plant Part: Leaf
Processing Method: Distilled
Latin Name: Coriandrum sativumBiological Definition: Coriandrum Sativum Fruit Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the dried fruit of the Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., Umbelliferae.Plant Part: SeedProcessing Method: ..
Latin Name: Cupressus sempervirensBiological Definition: Cupressus Sempervirens Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the leaves of the Cypress, Cupressus sempervirens L., PinaceaePlant Part: LeafProcessing Method: DistilledA..
Latin Name: Canarium communeBiological Definition: Essential oil obtained by distillation exclusively from Elemi gum (Canarium commune syn. Canarium luzonicum, Bursuraceae).Plant Part: GumProcessing Method: Distille..
Latin Name: Eucalyptus citriodoraBiological Definition: Corymbia citriodora oil. Being the volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of the fresh twigs, leaves and sometimes the fruits of Corymbia citriodora (Hook) K.D. Hil..
Latin Name: Eucalyptus Globulus
Biological Definition: Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the fresh leaves of the Eucaluptus, Eucalyptus globulus and other species of Eucalyptus, Myrtaceae.&nbs..
Latin Name: Eucalyptus radiataBiological Definition: Eucalyptus Radiata Flower/Leaf/Stem Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers, leaves and stems of Eucalyptus, var. Australiana, Myrtaceae.Plant Part: LeafProcessing Me..
Latin Name: Eucalyptus SmithiiBiological Definition: Eucalyptus Smithii Leaf Oil is an essential oil obtained from the fresh leaves of the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Smithii, Myrtaceae. Its chief constituent is Eucalyptol.Main Constituents..
Latin Name: Foeniculum vulgare
Biological Definition: The volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of the crushed seeds of Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare, Umbelliferae.
Plant Part: Seeds
Processing Method: Distilled
Latin Name: Abies
sibericaBiological Definition: Abies Sibirica Oil is the volatile oil distilled from the needles and branches of Abies sibirica, Pinaceae.Plant Part: NeedlesProcessing Method: Distilled
Appearance: ..
Latin Name: Boswellia carteriiBiological Definition: Volatile essential oil obtained from
the dried, ground gum of the olibanum, Boswellia carterii,
Burseraceae.Plant Part: GumProcessing Method: DistilledAppearan..
Latin Name: Allium sativumBiological Definition: Allium Sativum Bulb Oil is the oil expressed from the bulb of the Garlic, Allium sativum L., Liliaceae.Plant Part: BulbProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: Liquid yello..
Latin Name: Pelargonium graveolens
Biological Definition: Pelargonium
Graveolens Flower Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the Bourbon
Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens (L.), Geraniaceae.
Plant Part: Plant
Processing ..
Latin Name: Pelargonium graveolensBiological Definition: The volatile oil obtained by
the steam distillation of the flowering herb Pelargonium graveolens grown in EgyptPlant Part: PlantProcessing Method: DistilledAppear..
Latin Name: Zingiber officinale
Biological Definition: Zingiber
Officinale Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the dried rhizomes
of the Ginger, Zingiber officinale L., Zingiberaceae
Plant Part: Roots
Processing Method: Distilled
Latin Name: Citrus paradisiBiological Definition: Citrus Paradisi Peel Oil is the volatile oil expressed from the peel of the Grapefruit, Citrus paradisi, RutaceaePlant Part: PeelProcessing Method: ExpressedAppeara..
Latin Name: Citrus paradisiBiological Definition: The volatile oil obtained from the mechanical pressing of the outer rinds of the grapefruit Citrus paradisi, Macf.Plant Part: PeelProcessing Method: ExpressedAppeara..
Latin Name: Citrus paradisi
Definition: The volatile oil obtained from the mechanical
pressing of the outer rinds of
the Grapefruit Citrus paradisi, Rutaceae.
Plant Part: Peel
Processing Method: Expressed
Appearance: Cl..
Latin Name: Helichrysum italicumBiological Definition: Helichrysum Italicum Flower Oil is
the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of Helichrysum
italicum, AsteraceaePlant Part: PlantProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance:&nbs..
Latin Name: Cinnamomum camphoraBiological Definition: Volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the bark and twigs of the tree Cinnamomum camphora (Linn.) Presl. (Linalool type) usually followed by rectification. ..
Latin Name: Hyssopus officinalisBiological Definition: Hyssopus Officinalis Leaf Oil is the volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of the Hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis L., Lamiaceae.Plant Part: Flower/LeafProcessing..
Latin Name: Juniperus communisBiological Definition: Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the berries of the Juniper, Juniperus communis L., CupressaceaePlant Part: FruitProcessing Method: DistilledA..
Latin Name: Cistus ladaniferusAppearance:
Liquid, yellow to orange
Odour: Characteristic
described as amber, woody, resinous, sweet.*For external use only..
Latin Name: Lavandula hybridaBiological Definition: A blend of natural and nature identical components to match the odour profile of Lavandin, Lavandula hybrida, Labiatae.Plant Part: FlowerProcessing Method: DistilledAppearance: Clear ..
Latin Name: Lavandula angustifolia
Definition: Lavandula Angustifolia Herb Oil is an essential oil steam distilled from the flowering herbs of the lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae from plants grown&nb..