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Orange Peel Ribbons

Product Info

Certificate of Analysis

  • Product Code: 0368
  • Sale Unit: LB
  • Availability:Out Of Stock


Description: The orange is a hybrid, between pomelo and mandarin. It has genes that are ~25% pomelo and ~75% mandarin; however, it is not a simple backcrossed BC1 hybrid, but hybridized over multiple generations.

The chloroplast genes, and therefore the maternal line, seem to be pomelo. The sweet orange has had its full genome sequenced. Earlier estimates of the percentage of pomelo genes varying from ~50% to 6% have been reported.

Botanical NameCitrus sinensis

Common Names: Bigarade Orange, Seville Orange (sweet), Portugal Orange, Citrus Dulcis

Medicinal Part: Peel of the fruit

INCI Name: Citrus Sinensis Peel Ribbon