Products meeting the search criteria
Caraway Seed Essential Oil
Latin Name: Carum carvi Biological Definition: Carum Carvi Seed Oil is the fixed oil obtained from the seeds of the Caraway, Carum carvi L., Apiaceae. Plant Part: Seeds Processing Method: Distilled Appearance: Mobile oily clear..
Caraway Seed Whole
Description: Caraway is a biennial, with smooth, furrowed stems growing 1 1/2 to 2 feet high, hearing finely cut leaves, and umbels of white flowers which blossom in June. The fruits which are popularly and incorrectly called seeds - and which co..
Cardamom Seed Decorticated
Description: A Perennial, reed-like herb up to 4 metres high, with long, silky blade-shaped laves. Its long sheathing stems bear small yellowish flowers with purple tips, followed by oblong red-brown seeds. Decorticated cardamom consists of..
Cardamom Seed Ground
Description: A Perennial, reed-like herb up to 4 metres high, with long, silky blade-shaped laves. Its long sheathing stems bear small yellowish flowers with purple tips, followed by oblong red-brown seeds. Decorticated cardamom consists of..
Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Latin Name: Daucus carota Biological Definition: The volatile oil steam usually distilled from the seeds of one of the subspecies of the wild carrot Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae). Plant Part: Seeds Processing Method: Distilled Appear..
Celery Seed Ground
Description: The Greeks and Romans called it "smallage" and harvested it in the wild for its medicinal properties. The Romans used it more for cooking. When it was finally grown and harvested in the middle ages it was found to be a wonderful ..
Celery Seed Whole
Description: The Greeks and Romans called it "smallage" and harvested it in the wild for its medicinal properties. The Romans used it more for cooking. When it was finally grown and harvested in the middle ages it was found to be a wonderful veg..
Chia Seed Whole Organic
Description: Chia seed is obtained most commonly from Salvia hispanica of the Lamiaceae family. Other plants referred to as "chia" include "golden chia" (Salvia columbariae) and the flowering herbaceous perennial Salvia polystachya, which is ..
Coriander Seed Ground
Description: Coriander is native to regions spanning from southern Europe and northern Africa to southwestern Asia. It is a soft plant growing to 50 cm (20 in) tall.The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender..
Coriander Seed Whole
Description: Coriander is native to regions spanning from southern Europe and northern Africa to southwestern Asia. It is a soft plant growing to 50 cm (20 in) tall.The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender..
Cumin Seed Ground
Description: Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native from the east Mediterranean to South Asia. Its seeds (each one contained within a fruit, which is dried) are used in the cuisines of many different cultu..
Cumin Seed Whole
Description: Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native from the east Mediterranean to South Asia. Its seeds (each one contained within a fruit, which is dried) are used in the cuisines of many different cultures..
Fennel Seed Ground
Description: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean but has become widely naturalize..
Fennel Seed Whole
Description: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean but has become widely naturalize..
Fenugreek Seed Ground
Description: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. It is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop, and its seeds are a common ingredient in..
Fenugreek Seed Whole
Description: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets.It is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop, and its seeds are a common ingredient in dis..
Flax Seed Whole
Description: Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is a food and fiber crop cultivated in cooler regions of the world. The textiles made from flax are known in the Western coun..
Milk Thistle Seeds Powder
Description: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a thorny plant presenting decorative leaves with a white pattern of veins and purple flower heads. The plant originates from mountains of the Mediterranean region, where it forms scrub on a..
Milk Thistle Seeds Whole
Description: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a thorny plant presenting decorative leaves with a white pattern of veins and purple flower heads. The plant originates from mountains of the Mediterranean region, where it forms scrub on a ro..
Mustard Seed Black Whole
Description: Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimetres (0.039 to 0.079 in) in diameter and may be colored from yellowish white to black. They are important spice in many ..
Mustard Seed Yellow - Ground Organic
Description: Mustard plants are any of several plant species in the genera Brassica and Sinapis. Brassica is a genus of plants in the mustard family, the (Brassicaceae).The members of the genus are informally known as cruciferous vegetable..
Mustard Seed Yellow Whole
Description: Mustard plants are any of several plant species in the genera Brassica and Sinapis. Brassica is a genus of plants in the mustard family, the (Brassicaceae).The members of the genus are informally known as cruciferous vegetable..
Parsley Seed Essential Oil
Latin Name: Carum petroselinumBiological Definition: Carum Petroselinum Seed Oil is a volatile oil obtained from the seeds of the Parsley, Carum petroselinum L., Apiaceae. It contains apiol, terpene and pinenePlant Part: SeedsProc..
Poppy Seed Blue Whole
Description: Poppy seed is an oilseed obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). The tiny kidney-shaped seeds have been harvested from dried seed pods by various civilizations for thousands of years. The seeds are used, whole or grou..
Psyllium Seed Powder
Description: Psyllium is a low-growing herb native to India, Iran, and Pakistan, in the same family as the common Plantain.Botanical Name: Plantago psylliumCommon names: Psyllium, Indian psylliumMedicinal Part: Whole or powdered huskIN..
Psyllium Seed Whole
Description: Psyllium is a low-growing herb native to India, Iran, and Pakistan, in the same family as the common Plantain.Botanical Name: Plantago psylliumCommon names: Psyllium, Indian psylliumMedicinal Part: Whole or powdered huskIN..
Rose Hips Seedless Cut
Description: The rose hip, also known as rose haw or rose hep, is the fruit of the rose plant, that is typically red-to-orange, but ranges from dark purple to black in some species.Rose hips begin to form after successful pollination of flowers ..