Herbs & Spices

Description: Cascara is a large shrub or small tree 4.5–10 m tall, with a trunk 20–50 cm in diameter. The outer bark is brownish to silver-grey with light splotching (often, in part, from lichens) and the inner surface of the bark is smooth..
US$ 13.25
Description: Uncaria is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It has about 40 species. Their distribution is pantropical, with most species native to tropical Asia, three from Africa and the Mediterranean and two from the neotropi..
US$ 8.52
Description: Catnip is famous for its drug-like effects on house cats, but it also has a variety of other uses. The extracted ingredient, iridodial, is used as an attractant for lacewing flies, which eat aphids and mites. Another ingre..
US$ 23.18
Description: Cayenne pepper is made from the ripened
fruits of the capsicum annuum plant. The fruits are generally dried and then
ground and shifted to create the powder. Cayenne powder is red or red-brown in
color and is used to add spice and fla..
US$ 4.52
Description: The Greeks and Romans called it "smallage" and harvested it in the wild for its medicinal properties. The Romans used it more for cooking. When it was finally grown and harvested in the middle ages it was found to be a wonderful veg..
US$ 3.12
Description: The Greeks and Romans called it "smallage" and harvested it in the wild for its medicinal properties. The Romans used it more for cooking. When it was finally grown and harvested in the middle ages it was found to be a wonderful veg..
US$ 2.98
Description: Chamomile is a gentle herb known throughout most of the world which has been used continually for many centuries. Members of the Asteraceae family, these aromatic herbaceous plants have white daisy like flowers and scent remini..
US$ 8.71
Description: Larrea tridentata is known as creosote bush and greasewood as a plant, chaparral as a medicinal herb, and as gobernadora in Mexico, Spanish for "governess", due to its ability to secure more water by inhibiting the growth of ne..
US$ 8.33
Description: Vitex
agnus-castus is one of the few temperate-zone species of Vitex, which is on the
whole a genus of tropical and sub-tropical flowering plants. Theophrastus
mentioned the shrub several times, as agnos in Enquiry into Plants. It has..
US$ 3.57
Description: Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), sometimes called garden chervil to distinguish it from similar plants also called chervil, or French parsley, is a delicate annual herb related to parsley. It is commonly used to season mild-flavoure..
US$ 16.97
Description: Chia seed is obtained most commonly from Salvia hispanica of the Lamiaceae family. Other plants referred to as "chia" include "golden chia" (Salvia columbariae) and the flowering herbaceous perennial Salvia polystachya, which is rar..
US$ 3.39
Description: Stellaria media, chickweed, is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, but naturalized in many parts of North America. It is sometimes called common chickweed to distinguish it from other plants called chickweed. The plant..
US$ 8.44
Description: Common chicory, Cichorium intybus, is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family Asteraceae, usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europ..
US$ 5.59
Description: Chili Powder New Mexico, which typically grows from a green to a ripened red, is popular in the cuisines of the Southwestern United States, including Sonoran and Arizonan cuisine, and an integral staple of New Mexican cuisine. It is ..
US$ 6.47
Description: Chili is the Aztec name for Capsicum
annuum. It has been used both as a food and a medicine by Native Americans for
over 9000 years. The Capsicum family includes bell peppers, red peppers,
paprika, and pimento, but the most famou..
US$ 5.54
Description: Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of southeastern Asian evergreen trees. After harvesting cinnamon bark, it is laid out to dry in the sun, as it dries, it naturally curls in on itself giving cinnamon its “stick” shape.Cinnamon has ..
US$ 7.50
Description: Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of southeastern Asian evergreen trees. After harvesting cinnamon bark, it is laid out to dry in the sun, as it dries, it naturally curls in on itself giving cinnamon its “stick” shape.Cinnamon has ..
US$ 4.89
Description: Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of southeastern Asian evergreen trees. After harvesting cinnamon bark, it is laid out to dry in the sun, as it dries, it naturally curls in on itself giving cinnamon its “stick” shape.Cinnamon has ..
US$ 5.87
Description: Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of southeastern Asian evergreen trees. After harvesting cinnamon bark, it is laid out to dry in the sun, as it dries, it naturally curls in on itself giving cinnamon its “stick” shape.Cinnamon has ..
US$ 11.91
Description: Cleavers are annuals with creeping straggling stems which branch and grow along the ground and over other plants.They attach themselves with the small hooked hairs which grow out of the stems and leaves. The stems can reach up to th..
US$ 8.91
Description: Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice. Archeologists have found cloves in a ceramic vessel in..
US$ 10.72
Description: Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum.They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice.Archeologists have found cloves in a ceramic vessel in S..
US$ 11.16
Description: Coarse Rock Salt - Food Grade or Halite, commonly known as rock salt, is a type of salt, the mineral (natural) form of sodium chloride (NaCl).Halite forms isometric crystals. The mineral is typically colorless or white, but may also be l..
US$ 0.77
Description: Coltsfoot is a perennial herbaceous plant that spreads by seeds and rhizomes. Tussilago is often found in colonies of dozens of plants. The flowers, which superficially resemble dandelions, appear in early spring before dandelions a..
US$ 8.13
Description: The comfrey plant has a history of use in healing wounds and mending broken bones. In fact, in multiple languages, its name can be roughly translated to “grow together”.Farmers often used specially bred comfrey plants to activa..
US$ 11.97
Description: The comfrey plant has a history of use in healing wounds and mending broken bones. In fact, in multiple languages, its name can be roughly translated to “grow together”.Farmers often used specially bred comfrey plants to activa..
US$ 8.91
Description: The comfrey plant has a history of use in healing wounds and mending broken bones. In fact, in multiple languages, its name can be roughly translated to “grow together”.Farmers often used specially bred comfrey plants to activa..
US$ 9.53