Latin Name: Zingiber officinaleBiological Definition: Zingiber Officinale Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the dried rhizomes of the Ginger, Zingiber officinale L., ZingiberaceaePlant Part: RootsProcessing Method: Distil..
Description: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine. Ginger originated in the tropical rainforests from the Indian subco..
Description: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine. Ginger originated in the tropical rainforests from the Indian subco..
Description: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine. Ginger originated in the tropical rainforests from the Indian subco..